Premium English Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources for KS3 and KS4
This page contains premium resources that can be purchased for a few pounds each. They’re the product of quite a bit of work, so I hope you feel they represent good value. All proceeds pay for the running costs of the site and ensure that the vast majority of other resources remain free to download.
Final Exam Booklets: Macbeth, AIC and ACC

Final Exam Booklet Bundle!
Buy all three final exam booklets for Macbeth, AIC and ACC. Each contain overviews, an abridged version, key points and exam tasks.
£13.50 | Buy now
Final Exam Booklet for Macbeth
Final exam booklet for Macbeth that provides students with overviews, an abridged version of the play, key points and past exam tasks.
£5.00 | Find out more
Final Exam Booklet for An Inspector Calls
Final exam booklet for AIC that provides students with overviews, an abridged version of the play, key points and past exam tasks.
£5.00 | Find out more
Final Exam Booklet for A Christmas Carol
Final exam booklet for ACC that provides students with overviews, an abridged version of the novel, key points and past exam tasks.
£5.00 | Find out moreRevision Booklets and Guides

English Language Mini-Mock Papers
Five mini-mock papers for GCSE English Language Paper 1. This is one of the most downloaded resources on the site!
£3.50 | Find out more
Mock Exam Papers for GCSE English Language Paper 2
Four mock exam papers for GCSE English Language Paper 2 (AQA).
£3.50 | Find out more
An Inspector Calls Quotation Revision Booklet
A revision booklet for AIC based around important quotations for each act.
£2.50 | Find out more
AQA Power and Conflict Poems Revision Guide
30 page revision guide for the AQA Power and Conflict poems.
£4.00 | Find out more
10 Exam Tasks for Macbeth
A booklet of ten GCSE English Literature exam tasks for Macbeth.
£4.00 | Find out more
Revision Companion for Macbeth
A booklet to help students engage with a structured approach to revising Macbeth.
£3.00 | Find out more
Revision Companion for A Christmas Carol
A booklet to help students engage with a structured approach to revising A Christmas Carol.
£3.00 | Find out moreStudy Booklets, Overview Notes and More...

30 x Worksheets on An Inspector Calls
These worksheets can be used in various ways, are fully editable and designed to save you time!
£10.50 | Find out more
Jekyll and Hyde Study Booklet
35 page booklet including context, big questions, review tasks + more.
£4.25 | Find out more
Abridged GCSE English Literature Texts
Abridged versions of three English Literature texts.
£4.00 | Find out more
Scheme of Work Resources for The Woman in Black
Notes sheets and editable PowerPoint slides for a sequence of 24 lessons.
£5.50 | Find out more
Romeo and Juliet Study Booklet for KS3
A fully editable Romeo and Juliet study booklet for KS3.
£4.00 | Find out more
Overview Notes for the Power & Conflict Poems
A set of overview notes for the AQA Power and Conflict poems.
£2.50 | Find out more
Overview Notes for Key Scenes in AIC
A set of overview notes pages for An Inspector Calls.
£4.00 | Find out more

Overview Notes for Key Scenes in Macbeth
A set of overview notes pages for Macbeth.
£4.00 | Find out more
Gothic Literature Study Booklet
A full booklet containing features of Gothic literature, literary terms, extracts and tasks.
£3.50 | Find out more
Learning to Learn Study Skills Booklet
A booklet that contains practical guidance for students on how to study more effectively.
£3.50 | Find out more
KS3 Twisted Tales Anthology Worksheets
Worksheets to accompany seven of the short stories in the KS3 Twisted Tales anthology.
£2.50 | Find out more
SPaG Review Sheets
Three quick spelling, punctuation and grammar review sheets.
£2.50 | Find out moreJoin the newsletter
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