Douglas Wise English Teaching Resources

Teach Like a Champion: Overview of Techniques and CPD Discussion | Questions | Teaching and Learning | CPD

Written by Douglas Wise | 4 December, 2022

Click on the links above to access a document with overviews of ten techniques from Teach Like a Champion with accompanying discussion questions.

  1. Warm-Strict
  2. Without Apology
  3. Do Now
  4. Cold Call
  5. Right is Right
  6. Stretch It
  7. Brighten Lines
  8. Show Call
  9. Wait Time
  10. Exit Ticket

Each overview has a bit of preamble at the top, followed by pitfalls and pointers, and then the discussion questions themselves.

The example above is for a technique called Without Apology and there are four discussion questions, which I’ve zoomed-in on below…

At the school I work at, twilight sessions are based around the ten TLAC techniques and discussion questions. The format of each session is pretty straightforward: there’s input from a speaker on two techniques and then staff break-off into groups to discuss the questions. Each group has a facilitator who helps to move the discussion along and capture feedback.

After each session, the ‘headlines’ from the feedback are shared and next steps are identified. 

Hope the stuff’s useful –
