Douglas Wise English Teaching Resources

Revision Companion for A Christmas Carol | KS4 Teaching Resource

Written by Douglas Wise | 16 October, 2024


Click on the button above to purchase a booklet to help students engage with a structured approach to revising A Christmas Carol. It’s fully editable and covers four areas: 

  1. Short summaries for key parts of each stave
  2. Information on contextual factors
  3. An overview of big ideas
  4. An example exam task

The idea is for students to follow the process below:

  1. Read the short summaries
  2. Use existing notes from exercise books (etc.) and the text itself to answer the questions
  3. Use that information to eventually create revision cards
  4. Use the revision cards to self-quiz

I’ve tried to keep the presentation of the booklet as uncluttered as possible. I’ve also tried to avoid ‘crowding’ it with too much information. The purpose is simply to provide students with the fundamentals they need to build upon as part of their revision.

👑 You can access a similar revision companion on Macbeth by clicking here

I hope it’s useful –
