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Learning to Learn Study Skills Booklet

Click on the button above to purchase a booklet that contains practical guidance for students on how to study more effectively. It’s designed for elaboration, as part of a wider programme of study skills development. It covers three areas: 

  • Revision strategies (14)
  • Strategies to avoid (3)
  • Exam strategies (4)

Each page is uncluttered and conveys (what I hope) is just key information. When I put the booklet together, I envisaged displaying a page a week on classroom walls in the form of a poster after centralised input on each strategy in tutor time or through assemblies etc. As things stand though, I think a booklet probably works best so students have a fixed reference point.

I’ve included a couple of snips below...

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 10.49.21

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 10.50.08

Hope the resource is useful –
