Douglas Wise English Teaching Resources

GCSE English Language Paper 1 Narrative Writing (Q5) Resources | KS4 Teaching Resource

Written by Douglas Wise | 26 February, 2020

Click on the button above to access resources for teaching narrative writing.  The booklet has two main parts: ten extracts (listed below) and four Q5 tasks.

1. The Company of Wolves, by Angela Carter

Big question: How does Carter create a threatening mood?

2. The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka

Big question: How does Kafka create a pervasive sense of unease?

3. The Road, by Cormac McCarthy

Big question: How does McCarthy create a desolate setting?

4. The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Attwood

Big question: How does Attwood create an austere setting?

5. Small Island, by Andrea Levy

Big question: How does Levy convey a subtle sense of disappointment?

6. Circe, by Madeline Miller

Big question: How does Miller establish a contrast between Circe’s mother and Oceanos?

7. Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy

Big question: What methods does Hardy use to present Christminister as a dreamy, ethereal place?

8. The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway

Big question: What methods does Hemingway use to present the Old Man as a solemn character?

9. The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath

Big question: What methods does Plath use to present Esther Greenwood as a restless character?

10. The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel

Big question: How does Martel convey that Pi is in a state of discomfort?


The idea is for students to reflect on the methods used in each of the texts – as directed by the big questions – and then eventually go on to mimic or adapt them when they approach the Q5 tasks.

Hope the stuff’s useful –
