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Final Exam Booklets

Final Exam Booklets for MacbethAn Inspector Calls and A Christmas Carol have just been added to the site. They have been designed to guide students through during the final weeks before the GCSE English Literature exams. Each one contains overviews, an abridged version of the textkey points and an exam task.

Step 1  ➡️  Discuss the information on the at-a-glance overview page

Step 2  ➡️  Read, discuss and annotate the abridged version of the text

Step 3  ➡️  Discuss the key points and make additional notes

Step 4  ➡️  Plan and write a response to the past exam task

There should be enough material in each booklet to last roughly two weeks, although students can obviously be directed towards independent study depending on what you think will work best.

Each booklet costs £5 or buy all three for £13.50.


Hope you find the stuff useful


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