Blog: Exam Results and Teacher Effectiveness
Progress scores for individual classes can’t be used to form accurate judgements about teacher effectiveness.
This is because the composition of classes is never completely random: students are moved in and out of groups depending on a range of factors, including behaviour and recent levels of attainment. This happens in traditional sets, mixed-ability classes and streaming models alike. Over time, students making similar rates of progress tend to get clustered together – it’s this variable that matters most.
Unsurprisingly, classes predominantly formed of students who are broadly compliant and reasonably well-motivated are far more likely to achieve higher progress scores. Assuming basic levels of competence, this has little to do with the quality of teaching. Think of it as a manifestation of the Matthew Effect instead.
Remember that Progress 8 is a measure designed to make judgements about the performance of whole year groups and wider school effectiveness. What it can’t do is measure individual teacher effectiveness, irrespective of whether a set of class results are conveniently good or rather disappointing.
Further Reading 📑
- How should we view the performance of the most disadvantaged students?
- Yet another poor proxy for effective teaching