Now that we’ve hit the run-up to the Easter break, I’ve introduced a weekly essay task for both of...
9 Ways to Use a Visualiser
A nice brief one. Hope the post is useful. As always, please do get in touch with feedback and questions.
1. I-We-You
Model success for the ‘I’ part of the process by planning or partially constructing a response to a task.
2. I-We-You
Work with the class for the ‘We’ part of the process by asking for ideas and opinions.
3. Gradual reveal
Conceal information and reveal it gradually to your wards – discuss as you go.
4. Highlight and annotate
Focus on part of a poem, diagram or equation (etc.) and get students to follow along.
5. Connect with your study booklet
Take students through the information and tasks you’ve constructed.
6. Show and don’t tell
Display a piece of work and ask the class to suggest how it could be improved.
7. Compare student work
Display a piece of work and ask students to compare it to their own.
8. Display student work
Critique what your wards have done, emphasise what success looks like and give praise.
9. Live Marking
Mark a piece of student work and provide a commentary as you go.
Cheers –